On the 27th November, 2019, the small village of Cenova, Rezzo, Imperia, in Italy was hit by serious landslides. The dramatic consequence of too many days of heavy rain.
As it was difficult to assess the scale of the first avalanche, the villagers were told to leave their homes and pass the night sleeping in their cars parked in safe zones below.
The following days everyone helped as best they could to clear away the debris, rocks and, most of all mud. Small bulldozers and mobile grabbing cranes cleared away tree trunks, huge rocks and mud. High pressure water hoses were used to clear the village lanes.
We helped neighbours whose door of their house had been forced open by the rocks and mud, filling the ground floor up to almost a metre in depth.
It had stopped raining. There was even sunshine. We imagined that we could continue the work.
But then another, more serious landslide occurred. It was mesmerising to watch, and to wonder at the extraordinary force of water able to move such massive rocks. This time they pulverised the nave of the 15th century chapel auditorium.
The landslide also dislodged a large, communal gas tank, as though it were a small tin can. The real danger of its explosion prompted an immediate evacuation of the village. The tank had to be emptied, and at nightfall the firemen with volunteers (Claudio and Filippo) took considerable risks in doing what was necessary to enable the firemen to burn off the remaining gas content.
During this time, those who had no immediate, alternative accommodation were generously received by the Red Cross in the neighbouring village of Pieve di Teco. There was even a cake that the kind mother of an aimable volunteer had baked, with a little note to welcome their ‘guests’. Even our dog was spoilt and made welcome. They are wonderful, generous people.
When we were finally allowed to return to Cenova, the drama was still not over. The forecast of heavy rain set for Friday 20th December was very worrying.
Throughout the previous night, in the worst possible conditions, five volunteers (disparagingly calling themselves ‘the five coglioni’) including those who had taken personal risks regarding the gas tank, worked high up in the hills near what was left of the security barrier that the first avalanche had broken through. They worked hard and succeeded in deviating important passages of water in order to reduce the chance of another landslide. Thanks to their efforts, the heavy rain of Friday thus added relatively little damage to that already caused.
From then on we were blessed with days of sunshine.
Donations had been gathered; care of don Marco and the parochial of the bassa Valle Arroscia to kindly offer a dinner at a local albergo restaurant to the habitants of Cenova. And after the excellent meal, the bottles of wine left over were generously shared amongst the guests.
The mayor of Rezzo has been encouraged by the amount of support promised from the regional authorities of Liguria, which could mean that not only a security barrier will be built more solidly and effectively to withstand extreme conditions, but that the auditorium will be restored, which would be a wonderful thing. But Cenova, full of historical significance, certainly deserves such care and attention.
What is particularly remarkable is the solidarity of the community, the staunchness, kindness and generosity. This soars far above the significance of the catastrophe.
For example, it’s not as though one did a great deal in trying to help neighbour friends clear their little home of mud and stones, yet in spite of their plight, made worse by the second landslide, they left a panettone with a thoughtful little Christmas message at our door.
It’s also the sincere faith of the community, faith sadly lost in other parts of Western Europe. This gives the villagers the necessary strength to come to terms with such natural disasters. It gives them hope and the force to shrug it off and carry on making the best of everything. It’s an essential aspect of the Italian spirit, and another reason why Italy is so special.
Special thanks to the firemen who worked tirelessly during the worst part of the crisis. Thanks also to the Commune, the police, and the civil protection.
Text, 2nd, 5th and last image © Mirino. (With thanks to Nadia for the use of the top image, and to those who took the other photos). December, 2019
The spectacular event of green leaves turning to reds and yellows in October and into November happens when trees have taken all the nourriture they can from the leaves that are filled with chlorophyll, the biomolecule that absorbs energy from sunlight and gives leaves their green colour.
When sunlight wanes, and leaves stop making nourishment, this green pigment is broken down into opposing colour compounds. Yellow pigments are then revealed and other chemical changes cause red coloration.
Biologically, the reason why green leaves turn to hues of reds and golds in the autumn season, is when trees have depleted all the nouriture obtained by chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis, allowing green leaves to absorb energy from light. Green leaves convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose.
Although artists and poets might be aware of this biological process, they regard the glorious colour change more philosophically, or they might relate it to the theory of colour.
I have often referred to colour polarity, and polarity in general, as I find it a fascinating subject. Depending on the tree, of course, the particular green of its leaves, the colour change process seems to reach its splendid culmination when the hue of red becomes the exact opposite of the original hue of green.
A green leaf that tends towards yellow might change to a reddish gold, and a green that tends towards turquoise might change to a warm silver tint. But then the richness and variety of autumn colours defy such theorising.
The philosophical aspect is of course the fabulous crescendo of colour that heralds the cycle of life and death. Polarity. The leaves fall, or are carried off by the wind. They become brittle, then sodden and colourless. The earth reclaims them.
When leaves like those of maple or sycamore become brittle, breaking away leaving only the graceful, skeletal veins like fine lace, one always admires such exquisite, intricate, geometrical beauty.
Each year we see this, and are always enchanted, as we also are by the magic of spring. Or certainly we should be. Naturally the seasonal shows are not always the same each year, but then this enhances the wonder and beauty of natural evolution.
Autumn reminds us of the ephemerality of life. It always evokes nostalgia and reflection. But it also reassures. Whatever soothsayers claim to predict, more intent on prophesying dismal doom than paying heed to such sublime, fleeting gifts, seasons continue their cycles. Each year they graciously and poetically reveal divine, timeless truth.
Text and images © Mirino. November, 2019
Boris Johnson
The family of Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson is intriguing. Boris was born in NYC the 19th June, 1964. He has both British and American nationalities. From his grandfather (Osman Wilfred Kemal Johnson) he is also of Turkish descent. Boris’s father, Stanley Patrick Johnson (born in 1940, Penzance, Cornwall) is a writer and was a Conservative politician. He was also employed by the World Bank, and the European Commission. He fathered six children from two marriages.
From Stanley’s first marriage were born Boris, his sister, Rachel (journalist, TV panelist) two brothers who were to become equally successful, Jo (Tory MP, and minister of State for Universities and Science) and Leo (film producer and entrepreneur).
Boris’s wife Marina Wheeler, is also quite often in the limelight. She is a reputable barrister who specialises in public law and human rights.
‘Bojo’ was educated in Brussels, at The European School. Following this he attended Ashdown House in East Sussex, UK, then Eton college, Berkshire. He also read classics at Balliol College, Oxford.
He began his career as a journalist for The Times, but as he apparently misquoted a citation, The Times decided he should leave. He then became the Brussels correspondent for the Daily Telegraph. His articles contributed to Euroscepticism, or perhaps more appropriately ‘EU-scepticism’.
Formerly assistant editor of The Telegraph, he then became editor of The Spectator.
In addition to his journalism, Boris has written 21 books including The Perils of Pushy Parents, a book for all ages that he also illustrated. His most popular book is The Churchill Factor. (BJ is a great admirer of Winston Churchill.)
Despite his obvious talent as a writer, he was destined to become a politician. He served as a Junior Conservative Shadow Minister under Michael Howard and David Cameron. In 2008, BJ was elected Mayor of London, then re-elected for a second term in 2012.
Elected MP (Uxbridge and South Ruislip) in 2015, BJ stepped down as London’s Mayor. The following year he had a notable influence towards the winning Brexit vote, but was subject to Theresa May’s PM leadership. He served under her as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
As BJ disapproved of May’s lame, compromising Brexit approach which included the Chequers Agreement, he resigned two years later. May’s failing to obtain acceptable EU terms for Brexit determined her own resignation in 2019. BJ was elected leader of the Conservative Party then appointed the function of PM in August, 2019.
Boris Johnson is of course, a controversial figure in politics. Many ‘remainers’ dislike him intensely. They accuse him of every evil imaginable, not unlike the criticisms of the many anti-Trump democrats in the USA. But the 'remainers' seem to have illusions about the EU. Perhaps they believe that the club represents the only possible future for Europe, which must include the UK.
They regard BJ as a dated vestige of the old school, the privileged elite of GB, living in the decadent, aristocratic, British imperial past. Perhaps from their limited view point within the UK, they are oblivious to the real direction the EU executive is trying to take Europe. They seem to ignore that the ‘old school’, the conservatism, the sincere patriotism, national pride, sovereignty, defence of democracy, of cultural identity, and a wholesome resurgence of confidence, is far more preferable, than the EU executive form of elitism. An elitism which seems to foster a Marxist inspired agenda of servitude, of social conformity devoid of nations. An executive that obsessively gives priority to an irresponsible, ideological program to the utter detriment of all of the above essentially positive considerations, naturally including democracy itself.
Yet one also gets the impression that the ‘remainers’ are not as sure as they were. One can hardly ignore the negative effects of imposed, illegal immigration. One can’t dismiss the fact that the EU no longer represents the union of European nations. If the EU executive had the intention of sacrificing everything that it’s supposed to represent, for an absurd, ideological objective, it couldn’t do a better job.
As PM, Boris Johnson has a simple, logical argument in order to defend and determine Brexit, either with or without a deal, if the latter is deemed absolutely unavoidable. As the labour opposition headed by Jeremy Corbyn is naturally against what BJ proposes, he has the option of calling for a general election. In other words if Corbyn believes that the ‘remainers’ outnumber the leavers, he should go for an election.
He would know that he and the Labour Party are certainly not the first choice of the people, but if he was absolutely certain that he had the majority support for the UK to remain an EU member, then he would have everything to gain by calling for a general election.
The fact that Corbyn is not sure, and that members of the opposition seem to be less adamant about remaining than perhaps they previously were, is naturally in Boris’s, and Brexit’s favour.
Obviously it is a crucial period for the UK, for Europe, and for the EU. Perhaps even more determining for the EU. Assuming the UK leaves the EU one way or the other, and prospers from having done so in all respects, then it can only increase the already mounting EU scepticism on the continent. It would certainly cause general changes in EU policy.
Whatever is destined to be, BoJo is succeeding in boosting the moral, the patriotism, the pride, the stoic, stiff-upper-lip, inherent identity of the blitz enduring Brits, famous characteristics that may have been somewhat dampened by ‘circumstances beyond one’s control’.
And maybe one should be wary of BJ’s feigning not to take himself too seriously. This in itself is a redoubtable arm that he can wield with ruthless mastery.
Boris Johnson is absolutely determined to pull it off. No doubt inspired by the famous Winston he so admires, BJ, and the ever growing number of those who have faith in him, ‘will never surrender’.
Text and top illustration © Mirino (with thanks for the use of the named Union Jack, and to Wikipedia for the bio info). October, 2019
Gretasque theories
As years accumulate, one tends to repeat oneself. It is not so much, or not only, because of the toll of the years, it is also because one has never been persuaded, by climate soothsayers, and certainly not by poor Greta, to change one’s opinion. And this persuades me, especially at this particular period, to continue to express it.
Is it not time that serious scientists, qualified climatologists, and reputable astronomers form a committee to establish once and for all, and to make available to the public, the truth regarding the famous climate change, to put an end to this cinema, this end of world cult which in reality is only a massive fraud, a generator of many billions of euros?
And as no one seems too concerned to ensure that these billions are used precisely to 'save the planet', it is even more grotesque.
Greta Thunberg, of course, is the ideal icon to bear the saviour's flag. She is essential to drive the nail into the heart of all those who feel guilty of driving their little cars, and therefore obediently willing to pay even more taxes on fuel. The truth is available, so why is this hypocritical pantomime allowed to go on, thus allowing many billions to be accumulated by fleecing people like so many sheep?
If climatology is a science, it would only be in terms of climate history. We can trace the history of the planet Earth, and it is precisely this climatic history, the age of the Earth, (4.543 billion years) and the relatively short period of the existence of humanity (200,000 years) that should already be enough to put things in a realistic perspective.
Predicting, very approximately, climatic phenomena depends on this history. It depends on the recorded universal cycles including the cycles of the sun. But nothing is exactly the same. There is a constant evolution that is out of our reach, and it’s just as well.
But the seasons that depend on the obliquity (the Earth’s tilt) are still relatively stable. So if, instead of making hateful threats to the 'ignoble capitalists' to save the planet, Greta planted some potatoes in March, then some tomatoes in May or June, some cabbages and fennels in September, (also following the phases of the moon) she would become more aware of this stability. A stability that has allowed the cultivation of vineyards and the production of wine since the Celts, before the Romans who continued this fine, civilised tradition.
We cannot accurately predict climate phenomena. Thus regarding the future, climatology is no longer a science. Despite the best technology, we often make mistakes predicting the weather a few days in advance. How then can we possibly claim to be able to predict that in so many years, weeks, days, hours, etc., if we do nothing 'to save the planet', it will be the end of the world?
N’est il pas temps (justement) que les savants sérieux, les climatologues compétents, et les astronomes réputés forment un comité afin d’établir une fois pour toutes, et mettre à la disposition du public, la vérité regardant le fameux changement climatique, pour arrêter ce cinéma, ce culte de fin de monde qui en réalité n’est qu’une massive fraude, un générateur de plusieurs milliards d’euros?
Et comme personne ne semble trop soucieux de veiller à ce que ces milliards soient utilisés justement pour ‘sauver la planète,' c’est encore plus grotesque.
Greta Thunberg, bien entendu, est l’icône idéale pour porter le drapeau de sauveur. Elle est essentielle pour enfoncer le clou au cœur de tous ceux qui se sentent coupables de conduire leurs petites voitures, et donc docilement prêts de payer encore plus de taxes sur le carburant.
La vérité est disponible, donc pour quelle raison on permet ce cinéma hypocrite de continuer, à part pour laisser faire accumuler des milliards et de rendre coupable les gens que l’on traite comme tant de vaches?
La vérité est disponible, donc pour quelle raison on permet ce cinéma hypocrite de continuer, à part pour laisser faire accumuler des milliards et de rendre coupable les gens que l’on traite comme tant de vaches?
Si la climatologie est une science, c’est uniquement au regard de l’histoire climatique. On peut tracer l’histoire de la planète Terre, et c’est justement cette histoire climatique, l’âge de la Terre, (4.543 milliards d’ans) et la période relativement courte de l’existence de l’humanité (200,000 ans) qui devrait suffire déjà pour mettre les choses en perspective réelle.
Prédire tant bien que mal les phénomènes climatiques dépend donc sur cette histoire. Il dépend sur les cycles universels y compris les cycles du soleil enregistrés. Mais rien n’est exactement pareil. Il y a une évolution constante qui est hors de notre portée, et c’est bien ainsi.
Mais les saisons qui dépendent sur l’obliquité (l’inclination de la Terre) sont toujours relativement stables. Ainsi si au lieu de faire des menaces haineuses envers ‘les sales capitalistes’ pour sauver la planète, Greta plantait quelques pommes de terres en Mars, puis quelque tomates en Mai ou Juin, quelques choux et fenouils en Septembre, (aussi en suivant les phases de la lune) elle se rendrait mieux compte de cette stabilité. Une stabilité qui a permis la culture des vignobles et la production de vin depuis l’âge des Celtes, avant même les Romains qui continuèrent cette belle et fine tradition.
On ne peut pas donc prédire les phénomènes climatiques avec précision. Dans l’égard du future donc la climatologie n’est plus une science. Malgré la meilleure technologie on se trompe assez souvent de bien prédire le temps quelques jours en avance. Comment diable peut on donc prétendre prédire qu’en une telle quantité d’années, semaines, jours, heures, etc., si on ne fait rien ‘pour sauver la planète’, ça va être ‘quasi’ la fin du monde?
Text and top image © Mirino (with thanks for the use of lower image) September, 2019
What has become painfully apparent, is that the elite accord no importance whatsoever to the people, whether they are migrants or nationals. They hold the people in disdain. They go through the motions of pretending democracy is the essential requirement of society, at least in the interim period before European federalism will somehow be forced through, (the first step towards their NWO pet project) but only because it’s still an obligation. They also clearly show they have no respect for democracy.
This is now illustrated by the political pantomime in Italy. Any botched up, impractical compromise is cynically considered by the elite to be far more essential than ever agreeing to allow Italians the democratic right to elect the government of their choice, God forbid.
The elite are like countless tentacles that worm their way, complicity embracing each other, all over the globe. They stem from an enormous intricate body of international banking institutions, sectarian or masonic associations, and digital social media platforms. What they have in common is great wealth, and what seems to be a new fangled Marxist ideology. The former is a necessary attribute without which they could never qualify as ‘elite’. The latter is the likely basis of a theoretical objective which they share and which they have committed themselves by every means possible to actuate. This goal has nothing to do with nations with which the elite no longer identify. They consider nations, nationalism, and sovereignty as direct threats to their project, so the words themselves are underlined in red in the politically incorrect list.
Rare are the televised news media that refuse to support the agenda. As for online journals, reporting the truth might depend on the amount of public subscriptions, as advertising seems to pay less these days. It’s likely that any online journals that have, or had, an international reputation, and appear to be able to promote themselves with extravagant graphics, often animated, is because they covertly support the agenda. Their articles are often ridiculously revealing in this respect.
Those who consciously allow themselves to be used by the elite in order to contribute in realising the program, are generously rewarded one way or the other. They are also protected. Despite any ecclesiastical counter pressure on Bergoglio, for example, he would be protected, simply because the establishment (the elite) chose him as head of the Vatican in the first place.
Greta is being given iconic importance because the global warming scam, obviously part of the program, is not only paramount as a very effective money spinner, it's also a useful means of governing by fear and guilt complex. Greta thus gets royal tribute from yacht owners, private jet owners, celebrities, the Pope (of course), the EU, the UN, Macron, Merkel, Juncker, etc., etc.
The main, serious obstructions to the project are the Visegràd Group, Russia, China, the USA under Trump, and Japan, Israel, Syria and Iran, etc. China and Russia being the most important. Megalomaniacs like Macron delude themselves in believing they have scored victories against the people (the gilet jaunes have made too many sacrifices to be so subdued, and the claimed accidental cause of the Notre Dame de Paris fire takes not only the French, but the entire world’s population as imbeciles). Macron would be amongst those who believe they have the divine power to solve irresolvable problems.
It’s ironic that at a time when Russia has lovingly revived its cultural and religious identity, the west, especially west continental Europe, is actively engrossed in sacrificing it. And that whilst western elitists try to goad the people into believing that the Russian Federation is more dangerous than even the Soviet Union was, they are embracing Marxism even through gradual Islamisation.
China is a massive, high-tech, pristine, robotic bulldozer that will crush or clear away any opposition to its interests. It has however invested in the whole world, and the whole world is its client. There would logically be a limit to how far it could go and remain solvent. How the situation develops in Hong-Kong will also be a clear indication of this.
However, it’s not unlikely that China regards what is being promoted by the elite, and allowed to happen in Europe, as a direct threat to its interests. This might include the threat to its monopoly of cheap labour. Obviously Russia is also very concerned by the Western European, ideological inanities. Trump must tread very carefully as this incredibly sinister scenario unfolds and is enacted.
What is absolutely certain, is that no sane nation will accept the imposition of an insane project, without ferociously defending its interests.
Text, top image © Mirino (lower image with thanks for its use) September, 2019
As usual before 8 am I walked Cayden. At the top of the entrance to our part of the village there was the cat that Cayden dislikes, because it’s the arch enemy of Gatsby, our cat. So Cayden sent it straight up a tree like an arrow. This amused me as well as two other people. A mother and her daughter. The daughter is inflicted with a form of Down syndrome. They are two of our neighbours in this tiny Italian village.
The mother, already of a certain age, looks after her daughter in an exemplary way. While the daughter still manages to walk, her mother insists that she does so, although it’s very slow and difficult. When we meet up I always ask them how they are, now in Italian although I know the mother speaks good French. And she also answers in the same way, she looks at me and vaguely shakes her head, and then brightly says, ‘we’re fine’.
When Cayden and I returned from our little walk, they were still slowly making their way down the little entrance road. The daughter was clutching the wire fencing on the side of the path for extra support. I offered them two plums of those I’d gathered from trees growing wild on the rocky banks of the wider descending road, then I noticed that Cayden seemed particularly attentive. He gently approached the daughter and gave her a little lick on the leg.
Usually I insist that Cayden return home with me, but at the bottom of the narrow road he stood still, apparently determined to wait for them.
Perhaps it’s also the Border Collie part of him, but there was obviously something else. He cared. So I told him he can stay there, knowing he would come back when he was ready.
After a while I thought I had better go and get him, and found him lying down at the bottom of our lane near the lavaggio (wash house). He was gazing across towards the mother and her daughter on the other side of the small car park opposite the lavaggio. There was another lady talking to them. The mother was talking on a mobile phone, and the daughter was holding a handkerchief and seemed to be a little upset. I waved to them, and told Cayden to get up and come with me, which he did.
I know that Cayden is a caring dog with a big heart. He shows it with Gatsby, when the cat feels insecure or hurt. He showed it with Max when his old friend knew that it was time to say goodbye. But his care and attention in this particular case really touched me, enough for me write these few words.
Text and images © Mirino, (Cayden as he is now, and as a puppy five years ago) August, 2019
Dans Valeurs Actuelles d’aujourd’hui, étant donné qu’il s’agit d’un des rares journaux français sur lequel on peut compter, on est quand même déçu par le rapport sur la cause officielle de l’incendie de Notre Dame de Paris, un rapport totalement privé de crédibilité et de contre argument.
D’ailleurs la cause n’est pas précisée. Mais, chose étonnante, on écarte carrément tout acte criminel. Donc sans savoir la cause après plus de deux mois d’enquêtes menées par des ‘experts’, on peut quand même catégoriquement nier la possibilité d’incendie volontaire. Ceci tout seul défie toute logique.
Ridiculement on suggère que le feu a été provoqué peut-être par un mégot de cigarette mal éteint, ou par un court-circuit. Après tout, quand Notre Dame de Paris fût bâtie il n’y avait pas d’électricité, ni de cigarettes. Par contre il y a eu beaucoup de bougies, et depuis il y a eu aussi beaucoup de guerres, et la fameuse révolution assez irréligieuse, mais il a fallu attendre le règne de Macron, 856 années depuis la construction de la Cathédrale pour qu’elle soit gravement endommagée par un incendie.
Les meilleurs experts du monde auraient beaucoup de mal à persuader un peuple doté de bon sens qu’un tel feu a été déclenché par un mégot de cigarette mal éteint, ou par quelque phénomène électrique. Il aurait fallu trop de temps pendant lequel le feu aurait été découvert et éteint, ceci assumant que le système d’alarme n’ait pas fonctionné. Prétend-on que les anciennes poutres de chêne dans les combles puissent être incendiées par un mégot de cigarette mal éteint? Il aurait fallu beaucoup de ventilation, deux ou trois jours, et une négligence totale de la part de ceux responsable de la sécurité.
Mais c’est évident que la Cathédrale a pris feu trop rapidement pour que la cause soit accidentelle. En quelques minutes en somme. Tellement rapide qu’on ne pouvait même pas l’approcher pour le combattre. Un tel incendie ne pourrait jamais se répandre si violemment sans l’aide de combustion très inflammable. On n’a pas besoin d’être un expert pour le savoir, et il ne faut pas prendre les français pour des imbéciles.
Sans prendre en considération le bilan des attaques contre les Églises en France, ce rapport après plus de deux mois de soi disant recherches est totalement ridicule, sinon insultant. Si on voulait attribuer la cause à un accident involontaire, les experts auraient pu imaginer quelque chose d’un peu plus convaincant. D’ailleurs c’est plutôt comme s’ils voulaient s’en laver les mains, instructions de l’exécutif oblige.
Le plus troublant de cette tragédie que Macron veut réparer comme si de rien était, en cinq ans, c’est la pensée que l’on compte restaurer Notre Dame de Paris sur ce qui semble être un mensonge. Si la Cathédrale avait été incendiée volontairement, et il n’y a rien qui ne prouve le contraire, restaurer cette icône, cette maison de Dieu pleine d’histoire, en cachant la vérité, serait bien sinistre et ignoble.
Text © Mirino. (With thanks for the use of the photographs) June, 2019
Winds of change
The political climate in Europe is changing just as much as the meteorlogical one. In the former case it’s definitely manmade, not subject to universal laws, yet who knows? There’s a reason for everything.
It was only a matter of time before the people send strong signals to the pontifical, EU cynics who pretend to represent them, that they have had enough.
Of course the Eurocrats and members of the Useless Nonentity will stage their incredulity and horror at the rise in what they and their msm puppets would label as 'extreme right wing', if not terrifying new wave of 'fascism and racism', etc. In reality the people have simply cast their votes according to common sense.
Did the establishment honestly believe that it can continue indefinitely on this false ideological track without eventually derailing itself? Even the Pope is trying to adjust his garments, belatedly, to the change of wind. In the near future he might even deign to point a finger more accusingly at the radical Muslims responsible for the genocide of Christians. Again, who knows?
Multi-culture comes about naturally, with good will and mutual respect, or not at all. When it comes about naturally, obviously it works, and in this case it’s certain that it has a very positive effect. Certainly it works in the USA. It worked in Lebanon, in an exemplary way, before the invasion of refugees.
It goes without saying that invasions, especially programmed invasions, contribute nothing positive to any society. They certainly contribute nothing to culture. The invader wants to conquer, take over and impose his own laws and dogma. He doesn’t virtually force his way into Europe to admire the architecture, the Cathedrals, and savour the culinary delights and good wine of Italy or France, for example.
One should never try to compare the invader with the European migrants who, in the thirties, for example, spent all their savings in order to get to the USA, then after a long, tiring sea passage, stood in line holding a number, hoping to gain the privilege of being granted admission. No doubt later, many of the admitted stood in awe and admiration gazing up at the new Chrysler building in Manhattan, NYC.
They too, were pioneers in their own way. They took on any job available, and were thankful for it. They worked hard and built up something solid for their families, and for the nation. They became proud, patriotic Americans. Often such people even gave their lives defending the USA, and its ideal of freedom.
In sad contrast, the social experiment that the EU executive seems to have sold itself to, is a dismal failure. Most people with sufficient common sense anticipated this. Those who really care about
humanity would have stopped promoting this inanity as soon as they were aware of the harm, the innumerable tragic deaths it was causing.
The historic evolution and geographic diversity of every European country has also naturally created its own particular social differences within its populations. Clearly these differences of cultural identity add to the particular charm of every European nation.
Europeans who have worked in various European countries and who speak two languages or so, are well aware of this, and see it as the essential wealth of Europe. One can easily live a whole life time without ever being able to discover all the delights that Europe has to offer, without considering those of any other continent. Yet this essential wealth seems to have been glossed over, or even dismissed by the EU executive. 'Nations' and 'nationalism' have become politically incorrect. As mentioned previously, Emanuel Macron even claimed that patriotism is the opposite of nationalism, when the words are the closest possible synonyms. But then ideologues are capable of deforming meanings and truth to suit their incoherent ideology. An ideology which seems to theorise vaguely that even invaders might eventually suffice as the social catalyser to impose conformity and thus false federalism, etc.
Evidently all this is the cause of the change of political climate, like a strong breeze clearing dark, threatening skies. Assuming the EU has a solid future, it has to be reformed. It has to represent Europe which means Europeans, and not an ideology blindly pandering to invaders.
Text and graphism (with thanks for the use of the basic image) © Mirino. May, 2019
Dawn of conflict
The establishment, including the UN and the EU, can do all it can to persuade the gullible that Russia and China are dangerous enemies, but facts and trade agreements obviously contradict this. Like Eastern Europe, Russia, China and Japan will never accept imposed Islamisation. In spite of Russia's allies, of which Iran is becoming more problematic than valuable, curiously Russia's ties with Israel seem closer. This might also be why Russia is allowing Israel a large amount of leeway to carry out strikes to secure its border with Syria.
Unlike the EU, Putin and Trump are fully aware of the consequences should Israel ever fall. It would be enough to trigger off WWIII. Such a catastrophe would be followed by a massive surge for world domination by radical, if not 'non radical', Muslims in general. It's doubtful however, that they would be united. It would be a complicated, messy 'free for all'. The establishment would no longer be calling the shots. It would have no control over the thousands of autoproclaimed, Islamic warlords. The great powers would once more unite to defend their interests and cultural identity.
To feign blindness to our enemy is no longer possible. Those who still try, including the Pope, reveal themselves as absurdly false, hypocritical, puppet appeasers.
The burning of Notre Dame, no matter how it was caused, (although arson is more likely than not) should also be felt as a violent shake to wake up the western world from its apathy and passive torpor.
Questo è chi siamo. Questo è la nostra identità culturale difesa attraverso secoli di storia. Nonostante gli sforzi effimeri di coloro che sono privi di fede e d'integrità, che siano falsi, venduti rappresentati delle NU, dell'UE o persino del Vaticano. Che siano gli accoliti di un'illusione falsa, un dogma del settimo secolo, non riusciranno mai a negare chi siamo.
Text and lower image by Mirino. (With thanks for the use of top image) April, 2019.
Obviously the mania applies also to Macron himself. His recent mania of touring the 'hexagon' doing his televised debate spectacles, for example. Local mayors were accorded the right to pose questions that he would appear to carefully take note of, before giving interminable discourses that seem to do more to mesmerise than impress his audiences.
During such debates no one would bring up subjects that might trouble the French President. The subjects were limited to local problems that they hoped the government would solve.
The motive of these endless debates, was to defuse the explosive anger of les gilets jaunes. It was however, a bad calculation. For over four months les gilets jaunes have been protesting. There have been deaths, many people have suffered from serious injuries. Properties and vehicles have been destroyed or badly damaged, and shops have been pillaged by those the French call casseurs.
During last Saturday's protests even Le Fouquet's, a famous and rather expensive Parisian restaurant, was targeted and damaged also by arsonist casseurs.
Castaner, the minister of the Interior, declared during the following parliamentary meeting that there was a problem of 'management'. He actually used the English word, perhaps to baffle the critics of what is left of the opposition. Whatever, it was ill chosen, obviously because it comes down to an admittance of his own guilt, simply because he is the manager.
Rather than organise a debate with the first concerned, Macron apparently prefers to go round the richer estates of those who, seemingly in his view, matter more. A fatal mistake. Les gilets jaunes are planning to establish their own political party, in order to be heard. All the negative consequences of the weekly demonstrations, might never have been as such, had Macron descended from his high
horse, and proposed to organise a meeting with a delegation of les gilets jaunes, to try to finally reach some sort of understanding.
Clearly it is this disdain, mixed perhaps with fear, that angers the protesters more than anything else. It's this rehashed, class division that is constantly fanning the flames of their anger and frustration.
Incredibly Macron seems quite oblivious to this. The lack of respect he seems to have for ordinary people, for the nation he is supposed to represent, is made even more apparent by his having sneakily authorised his agreement to the UN pact, which constitutes signing away a degree of French sovereignty. The same applies to his signing an agreement with Merkel, concerning a joint, mythic European army. These commitments were made without any previous debate, without ever seeking to first obtain the approval of his electors, or a prior agreement with the leaders of any other European nation.
This, in fact, is the core of Macronmania, or Macron's megalomania. He has a mania of gazing at the stars. Not the galactic stars of the infinite cosmos that one might observe with wonder and humility. The humility one naturally feels when one is aware of how small and insignificant one is in relation to the vast universe. No, Macron gazes at the stars of the European flag. A meaningless, unimaginative flag that totally lacks any historical significance.
His aspiration was already apparent the day he was elected President of France. He made sure it was primarily embellished by this meaningless flag. By this was he not giving priority to an ideology, including the federalisation of Europe, far above the reality and cultural identity of the nation that elected him President?
Not long ago he wrote his famous letter sent to all heads of European States, even going to the trouble of having it translated in as many different languages. The letter was not received as well as he might have hoped.
When Macron publicly claims that nationalism is the opposite of patriotism, he makes a fool of himself. When he insults the Italians and tries to give moral lectures to member States of the Visegrád Group who defend their sovereignty and their individual constitutions, he not only reveals his inordinate disrespect, but he also shows how over eager he is in supporting the inane establishment's (UN, EU, etc.) ideology regarding immigration and globalisation.
Ironically this idea riddled with flaws like a boat full of holes, has started to sink. There is even a growing number of socialists who are beginning to feel that their feet are getting wet.
And when György himself prophesies that the EU will fail, unless the eurocrats start getting their act right, this is most significant, as well as curious. All more so coming from the multibillionaire who has spent many millions launching a boat full of holes.
If such is the case, there would be several thousands of gilets jaunes, millions of their supporters, and maybe as many millions of Europeans who would not be adverse to seeing Macron go down with it.
Text and image © Mirino. March, 2019
Global warping
The global warming club, fearing that global warming is not quite as evident as they had predicted, (the temperature on the terrace here in Italy this morning, only 500 metres in altitude, and 30 km from the Mediterranean coast was -4°. In Moscow today it's -8°. Tomorrow the high is forecast to be -13°, the low -21°) have modified their climatic prognosis term that for them could augur the end of the world, to 'climate change'. This is a far safer term because it cannot possibly be repudiated.
(The word 'global', itself, is becoming ideologically overused. The UN keep plugging it, because such a useless nonentity desperately needs a new reason of being. The institution seems to have absurd illusions of grandeur about being amongst the elite leaders of the brave new 'global' order, wet firework myth).
To return to the subject of climate. Naturally climates change, according to geography, the seasons, moon phases, universal laws and natural phenomena far above the heads of mere pretentious mortals.
Let us take wine to illustrate an example. The product from grapes that rely on certain seasonal conditions. Some years for wine are truly excellent, others are really quite good, some are average. None are ever disastrous. Whatever the conditions, vineyards are lovingly cared for, and wine is made each year.
This has been the case since the Celts. They were already producing wine as far back as 400 BC, more than two hundred years before the Roman conquest. The Romans carried on the tradition obviously for very good reasons, then the monks took over, for the same good reasons. As far as one knows, there is no Celtic, Roman or monastical record of global warming, or climate change. Yet who knows? Perhaps there were times when self-proclaimed divinities predicted climatic catastrophes before they were dismissed as village-idiots and forgotten.
Hundreds of years later Samuel Pepys wrote in his famous diaries of how unusually hot it was in London during one particular summer. Pepys never jumped to the conclusion that this could mean that a global warming phenomenon was nigh, caused by excessive horse flatulence, and smog. He never referred to climate change. Although he had a weakness for women, he was nevertheless a devout Christian, and such faith gives one total confidence that Almighty Power knows what He (or She for the complexed) is doing, far better than modern day Parisians for example.
Failing to successfully grow cherry tomatoes on their balconies, Parisians might be more inclined to believe that such a failure underlines once more that mankind is now subject to a period of horrendous climatic catastrophes.
The Climate Change club predicted that the Antarctic icecaps would melt and consequently the sea level would rise. They also predicted that Europe and other continents would suffer from too much torrential rain. There's no evidence of any rise in the sea level, and we haven't had any rain in our area since October. True, this is abnormal, but it contradicts the dire Noah's Flood predictions of 'those who know better'.
How can one pretend to predict the unpredictable in any case? Today we have sophisticated means to be able to forecast the weather for a few days in advance. Yet in spite of this impressive technology, we still quite often get it wrong. If we get it wrong say four days in advance, how on Earth can we accurately predict climatic change years in advance?
(Perhaps one can make a comparison regarding the enormous errors of judgement concerning geopolitics, ideology, social and economical interests, cultural identity, human nature, etc. If 'those who know better' get it totally wrong regarding international politics and the evolution of human society in general, how can they possibly claim to be able to predict the workings of cosmic phenomena? Yet the same quasi self-proclaimed divinities are the ones who always make the most serious errors. Errors that constantly lead to tragic consequences. Sadly we are seeing such negative consequences caused by these pretentious financial and political morons at this present time).
To return to atmospheric conditions. We can certainly affirm that pollution has a negative effect. Although millions are raked off from the polluters, which seems to be more a pay to pollute scheme rather than a pay to invest in reducing pollution, nothing of any consequence has been, or is being done to reduce pollution.
It is still an unavoidable reality that the creation of energy also creates pollution. The energy of life itself. A mere fart is a modest example. Without forgetting carbon dioxide of course, (CO2) the natural by-product of cell respiration of oxygen (O2) which also produces water (HO2).
Electric powered cars are not the solution if it takes nine years for such a car to produce less pollution than a car powered by diesel fuel. The nine years takes into account the amount of pollution produced by making the batterie. Yet even that doesn't take into account the amount of pollution produced by a used battery when it has to be disposed of.
In view of the improvements made to automobiles every five years or so, how many people keep a car for nine years in any case? Before a car is four years old one has to have it technically controlled. Older cars have to be controlled every two years, if not less. In other words motorists are certainly not encouraged to drive cars older than eight years, at the most.
No doubt mankind will eventually find the solution to reduce pollution in an honest way for means of transport, and means to create industrial and domestic power, but in the meantime, the rife hypocrisy, the rip-off, the sacrosanct argument- 'we have a duty to save our planet for future generations', etc., when there's no real, effective solution as yet, and when OPEC is still making billions selling its plenteous resources of fossil fuel, should cease.
It's certain that mankind's destiny is also to reach the stars. Perhaps it will eventually be a necessity in order to survive. (The Noah cycle?) But it would be so nice to believe that our appreciation for our beautiful planet from which we still have so much to learn, will continue to increase to a point where much greater care is taken regarding all its forms of life and its natural resources.
Humility, which is far more a force than a weakness, is also necessary in order to be able to put things into realistic perspective, to fully respect the miracle of life, the extraordinary mechanism of the vast universe, and the sweet paradise confided to us for a relatively brief period of time.
This particular little corner of the planet, is certainly a sweet paradise. Each garden is cultivated with love and care throughout the seasons. Seasonal variations are naturally accepted by wise old gardeners who have absolute confidence in God, and the workings of nature.
They sow seeds, plant shrubs, prune their fruit trees and vines, harvest and gather also in function with the phases of the moon.
There are excellent years, quite good ones, and average ones, depending on seasonal weather conditions. This climatic evolution is naturally an essential part of the intrinsic beauty of paradise, where wine is made, olive oil is produced, and tomatoes, aubergines, etc., are religiously grown, every year.
I have referred to this subject before, here, also because it's a subject politically, financially and ideological exploited in a shameful and dishonest way. 'Those who know better' are trying to persuade the gullible that thanks to their care and attention, everything is under control, as long as the control is left entrusted to them, and as long as one is willing to pay the necessary price 'to save the planet for our future generations...'
Text and photos © Mirino. January, 2019
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