
Although there's relatively little that could properly follow the sad
and shameful preceding page, there is often a link between atrocious fact and aspiring fiction, in cases where over officious, intransigence produces fatal consequences, for example.

It could be the fifth time of seeing Birdy on TV a few days ago, yet to me it's still as fresh and as moving as the first viewing. In fact it seems to have had more of a positive impact on me than ever, hence this little tribute.

Superbly written as is Miloš Forman's One flew out of the Cuckoo's nest with an inspired Jack Nicholson (1975). Forman's film also portrays the fatal effects, the terrible consequences of the establishment's persistent use of cruel, counter-productive methods to crush and subjugate. The same applies for the film Instinct directed by Jon Turteitaub with magistral Anthony Hopkins.

For Birdy, Peter Gabriel wrote and performed the film's music sound track in what must have then been considered revolutionary sound technology (Fairlight CMI llx).

Acute and sensitive observation. The word 'effects' would be out of place regarding this film directed by Alan Parker (1984), because it's such a brilliant study in human nature at its best- and worst, and also animal nature, instinctive as well as what seems exceptional, yet such 'exceptional' animal behaviour isn't as rare as one might think. The synthesis of love, admiration and complicity between Birdy (Matthew Modine) and his favourite, female canary is really convincing, even to a sensuous degree. Birdy ends up of course, by totally identifying himself with birds.

The scenes such as that of the cat surreptitiously climbing the stairs and entering the open bedroom door before being seen with the canary between its fangs, then the canary's rescue and resuscitation by Birdy are outstanding.
The same goes for the scene when Al (Nicholas Cage) leaves for Vietnam, and simultaneously the canary flies from Birdy's bedroom out through the small gap under the jammed window, as if it wants to reseal their friendship. Then when the canary tries to return, despite Birdy's waving warnings and desperately trying to open the window, the bird smashes into the pane breaking its neck and dying instantly. 

The earlier scene of Birdy's attempt to fly is diverting as well as impressive, but surely the most wonderful scenes of all are those performed by Nicholas Cage and Matthew Modine, both traumatised by their respective Vietnam experiences, and each reacting in his own way. Al, seriously wounded, badly needing his friend whom he has always admired, cherished and never lost faith in, literally ends up fighting his superior to recall to reality, save and free Birdy from the military mental hospital. And in doing so he also frees himself.

With the fabulous concluding scene and succinct last word of Birdy, puzzled as he looks up at his friend after having made what had seemed to be a final, fatal, flying leap to freedom.  'What ?..'
A most moving story of love and loyalty, and in my view a film for the 'timeless master-piece list'. 

Birdy received the Grand Prize of the Jury at the 1985 Cannes Film Festival. 
Robert Ebert awarded the film four stars out of four. 

Text © Mirino. Image © Tristar Pictures, 1984 (graphic arrangement with title by M). 
September, 2011

Troy Davis

Troy Anthony Davis was convicted almost 20 years ago for the murder of an off-duty policemen. A lot of doubt has accumulated about his guilt and the methods used by the police (pressurising witnesses to testify against Davis) and the prosecutors to obtain his conviction. The majority of the witnesses have since retracted their statements. One of the last two witnesses who have not retracted their statements, 'Red Coles', happens also to be the principle alternative suspect, and there has since come to light new evidence implicating him even more.
The Board of Pardons and Paroles of Georgia have nonetheless refused Troy Davis clemency, and he is to be executed tomorrow.

Maybe those who assume the power of God to be able to decide whether a person should live or die, the illustrious members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, should have taken time off to read Dostreoyeski's Crime and Punishment, which so well describes the horror of waiting to be put to death. More often than not, this horror,
a terrible punishment in itself, totally out-weights that of the actual crime, of which by all accounts there's considerable doubt regarding the guilt of Davis in any case.

But above all, where is that fine, American principle so nobly extolled by Cyrus Vance Jr., and on which basis the ex-General Director of the IMF was freed without the minimal charge for any offence?
He declared that American justice prides itself on its preference to free the accused when there is any measure of doubt regarding their case, rather than condemn them..

If Troy Davis is thus to be put to death tomorrow, despite the important measure of doubt and the retraction of a majority of false statements against him, then he must be an exception to this noble rule, perhaps along with too many others that await their end on death-row.

"Why?" would be a stupid question when we already know the answer. It makes a great deal of difference in certain States of America, if not generally in the USA and elsewhere, if one is black and not rich.

Who one is, and how much one is worth, seems more than ever to weigh heavily on the Balance of 'Justice', these days, although needless to add, such a balance of justice neither represents a balance nor has it anything to do with justice. And this is not limited to the USA, although the US certainly has a far worse reputation for such injustice than Europe.

For we have recently seen the practice of injustice also here, in France. Incomparable with that inflicted on Troy Davis of course, but injustice all the same.

Maybe Justice is being put on death-row too. To be slowly condemned to death. The establishment clan members who should be moral examples in all respects, seem, on the contrary, to be rubbing their dirty hands together, and not even bothering to hide their cynical smirks of arrogant self-satisfaction.

In spite of all the last minute efforts, Troy Davis was executed by lethal injection at 23h08 (03:08 GMT, Thursday 22nd September, 2011). His last words were,  "(...) I wasn't armed. To those about to take my life, may God have mercy on your souls. May God bless your souls."
The French Foreign minister has sent an official statement stressing that France deplores the execution of Troy Davis, reaffirming France's opposition to capital punishment.

(Shame on you Georgia. Shame on you America. Shame on you Cyrus Vance Jr., for not having made any stand to defend what you claim to be the famous, 'prided principle of American justice'. And shame on you Obama, for not having had the courage to make some form of public address regarding this abomination, to reassure the American people by either expressing your disapproval, or your approval, assuming that as President of the USA you have an opinion, and feel that this is not only the concern of Georgia, of the American Justice system, of the American people, of the United States of America and world opinion, but it's also directly your concern).
God bless America.

Text by Mirino. Photo by David Shankbone, from Wikimedia Commons, with thanks. 
20th September, 2011

TV bavardages..

Un coup d'oeil d'aujourd'hui aux événements mondiaux. Ou un exemple de ceux qui nous accueillent chaque jour pendant que l'on grignote devant la télé.

La Syrie. La répression a fait plus de 22 morts encore hier. Commence-t-on a s'y habituer, avec la même résignation que le peuple syrien? Personne n'a le droit, commençant par le peuple syrien même. Il parait qu'il y ait de plus en plus de désertions de l'armée syrienne, et c'est manifeste que ces déserteurs ont beaucoup de choses à raconter..

La Grèce. Second plan d'aide- 158 milliards pour la sauver. Sans doute le premier ministre Georges Papandréou est de bonne volonté, mais le peuple grec sera-t-il aussi coopératif et résolu? Le Parlement Européen et tous concernés, ne devraient-ils pas trancher sur cette question, que si les engagements grecs ne sont pas respectés selon les accords, la Grèce sera contrainte non seulement à abandonner l'euro, mais elle sera aussi et en tous cas obligée de régler sa dette?

DSK. Le cas Banon. Il avoue avoir fait 'des avances' à la jeune écrivain. C'est déjà une version modifiée. Mais selon les circonstances, de donner rendez-vous pour une entrevue dans un appartement vide, ne pourrait on conclure qu'en somme il s'agissait d'un piège préparé, donc prémédité?
En tous cas pourquoi un tel aveu maintenant? Peut-être une montée subite de confiance lui fait perdre son esprit tactique.
Sur l'autre côté il est arrivé à obtenir un délai de la procédure civile (cas Diallo). S'agirait-il d'une autre indication de la puissance du fric?

Mahmoud Abbas veut que 'l'Etat de Palestine' soit non seulement reconnu mais aussi accepté au sein de l'ONU. Il parle de 'l'injustice historique' subie par les palestiniens. Il a sûrement un argument, mais cet argument est rendu quasi invalide par l'obstination de ne pas considérer 'l'injustice historique' subie pas les israéliens. Ce n'est pas une autre allusion à l'holocauste, il s'agit aussi de l'histoire, et la raison pour laquelle les israéliens n'ont jamais cessé de vouloir retourner chez eux en Israël, depuis les conséquences de la rébellion Bar Kokhba, leur exil d'Israël et la substitution de la Terre d'Israël avec de nom 'Palestrina' par les romains.
Ce n'était pas les israéliens qui ont refusé les accords de 1947. C'était la Ligue Arabe prenant alors la liberté de décider pour le peuple palestinien.
N'oublions pas non plus que Abbas exige cette reconnaissance tout en refusant de reconnaître sans réservation la légitimité d'Israël, membre de l'ONU depuis 1949.
Il semble aussi incohérent que Mahmoud Abbas tient à ce que l'Etat de Palestine soit reconnu et accepté par l'ONU quand l'Etat n'est pas encore établi ou défini, et quand le peuple palestinien est toujours sérieusement divisé. Et en tous cas, pourquoi cet Etat de Palestine n'a jamais été établi depuis tant de siècles?
C'est intéressant de noter que Hamas est contre cette idée l'estimant 'solitaire et comportant de grands risques', ce qui semble révéler encore son véritable objectif qui fait toujours partie de son statut inchangé- la destruction d'Israël et l'islamisation de toute la Terre Sainte, entres autres..

La Libye. Retraite tactique des anti-Kadhafi de Bani Walid, sud de Tripoli. Depuis les forces du dirigeant déchu ont contre-attaqué avec des roquettes sur les positions des premiers. Il y a plusieurs victimes. La guerre n'est pas finie et il faut continuer à aider la force de l'opposition.

L'Afghanistan. Le Haqqani, l'un des groupes armés le plus rédouté va prendre part aux discussions de paix avec le gouvernement et l'OTAN. C'est un petit pas en avant.

Fête de l'Humanité à La Courneuve. Historiquement c'est quand même difficile de faire une corrélation entre 'humanité' et communisme. Même si la France doit être l'exception de la règle, c'est incroyable que ce parti existe toujours. Actuellement on a déjà assez du mal à comprendre l'idéologie depassée de socialism, mais comment peut on arriver à justifier celle de communisme dans le monde d'aujourd'hui?

Jean-Claude Trichet affirme que 'la zone euro se porte mieux économiquement que d'autres grands pays développés'.
Une telle affirmation venant du Président de la BCE a besoin des précisions. Quels grands pays développés? La Russie?
Evidemment ce n'est ni la qualité ni la diversité des produits des pays de la zone euro, y compris la Grèce, qui est en cause, c'est la gestion du euro. Et il va sans dire que Monsieur Trichet en est bien pour quelque chose..

(Sur la tv au dessus figure Monsieur Trichet. Espérons qu'après lui la BCE roulera mieux, davantage pour l'Europe et moins pour elle-même. En somme plus démocratiquement. Au dessous la Libye qui accueille Sarkozy et Cameron comme des libérateurs. Ne pourrait-on dire qu'ils ont été plus courageux et plus intelligents dans leur démarche que leur homologue américain?).

On remarque peut-être un peu confusément, que c'est avec une aisance relative que Viewfinder saute de sujets esthétiques ou parfois d'aspect 'infantile' aux sujets 'plus sérieux' et en plus (ou pire) en changeant même de langue.
Si on a besoin d'une explication, disons que je suis mes propres inclinations et intérêts, (c'est à dire ma propre folie) et que je m'exprime en fonction, tout à fait naturellement, dans tous les égards.

Text © Mirino. Images taken directly from the TV (with thanks). September, 2011

Marcel, the water-vole

Marcel, the water-vole
Cursing as he fishes.
Ever hopeful Gaulish soul
With tackle, rod and wishes.

Casting float, spoon or fly
Which fish poke with delight.
Staring with myopic eye
Not seeing when they bite.

Marcel le rat d'eau
 Avec son attirail et mouches sèches,
Son grand espoir, son âme gauloise
Jurant alors qu'il pêche.

Lançant ligne, flotteur ou cuillère
            Dont les truites de rires se tordent,            
Avec son regard myope d'ailleurs
 Il ne voit pas lorsqu'elles mordent.

Text and image © Mirino (PW). September, 2011

Porteurs de valises

 Jacques semble avoir retrouvé ses esprits. Il porte plainte pour diffamation. Dominique est donc obligé de faire pareil.

On dirait que la lucidité dépend sur les circonstances. Lorsqu'on devrait en principe subir un procès pénible au tribunal, comment voulez vous qu'on maintienne sa lucidité? Mais que l'on prétende l'avoir vu avec Dominique en train de compter quelques millions de francs français fournis par des amis africains pour, entres autres, financer sa campagne électorale, ça c'est manifestement autre chose, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit seulement d'une accusation venant- au moins pour le moment- d'un seul témoin.

Il se peut qu'il manque quelques pages dans les mémoires écrites de Monsieur Chirac. Quelques trous de mémoire? Dans ce cas ses mémoires seraient incomplètes. Ce serait dommage car faire face à son passé dans tous les égards pour la postérité demande non seulement de la lucidité, cela demande du courage et de l'intégrité.

Un homme d'Etat n'a qu'une occasion dans la vie pour faire ceci honnêtement et intégralement. Après c'est trop tard. Pire, il y a toujours d'autres prêts à fournir davantage, les pages manquantes, et en plus, à leur manière, ce qui pourrait ternir l'œuvre originale.

Contrairement à Samuel Pepys par exemple, qui ne voulait rien omettre dans ses agendas, y compris ses aventures affectives. Et la raison pour laquelle ils ne sont pas seulement attachants et informatifs, ils ont aussi une valeur monumentale historique. Pepys était toujours assez lucide pour bien le savoir, jusqu'à la fin de sa vie.    

(Robert Bourgi, avocat, a révélé dans le Journal du Dimanche avoir été "porteur de valise" de Jacques Chirac et de Dominique de Villepin. Ces derniers nient catégoriquement la validité de ces révélations.
Robert Bourgi déclare avoir "participé à plusieurs remises de mallettes (de billets de francs français) à Jacques Chirac, en personne", fournies par des chefs d'Etat africains. Il estime que ces dons d'argent transmis pendant 30 ans (dont 8 ans en ce qui concerne Chirac*) aussi par Jacques Foccart, valent "plusieurs dizaines de millions de francs par an". Pour l'article complèt- Le voici).  *1997 - 2005

Hier (LCI) on a entendu l'avocat de Jacques Chirac, Maître Kiejman, répondre aux média après une séance au tribunal sans l'assistance de Monsieur Chirac (pour des raisons de santé). Selon Maître Kiejman son client 'a toujours la mémoire pour ce qu'il n'a pas fait'...
(Inutile donc d'ajouter que la logique dicte qu'il doit se rappeler aussi à ce qu'il a fait).

Text and image © Mirino (PW). September, 2011

Scottish myths 7

The Linton Worm (Roxburghshire, borders)

The surroundings of where the Worm of Linton's had made its lair
are nevertheless pleasant. There's the sparkling stream of Kale flowing into the plain below the Cheviot hills before it runs on to join the Teviot. There are the noble woods of Clifton. There's the emplacement from where once rose the Tower of Linton, bastion of the Somervilles. Built on the huge mound of sand of Linton Hill, there's the old village Church where one can see above its door the 'Somerville Stone', a carved typanum of the Linton Worm and its slayer.

This worm or dragon 'some three Scots yards long... in form and callour to our common muir adders', had made its lair a mile south-east from Linton Church. It would often leave its den, 'the worm's hole', to slaughter sheep and terrorise the local people. They refused to go anywhere near its hole and were often too afraid to go to Church.

It's breath was lethally toxic, making it additionally difficult and dangerous for the rare, brave contenders to attempt killing it. Generous rewards were offered to those willing to try, but all in vain, such was the haunting terror the Linton Worm and it's fatal, fetid breath inspired. At times the creature caused so much panic that the villagers, even as far as Jedburgh, thought of leaving their homes.

Eventually however, John Somerville, the Laird of Lariston, decided that something must be done. After spying on the creature, he agreed with the villagers that no ordinary arm can do away with it. He devised a method by using a very stout lance on which point he securely bound a quantity of peat which he covered with pitch, 'brimstone and rosett'. On the chosen day, before sunrise, mounted on his brave destrier, he approached the dragon's lair. He carefully lit the peat. He was naturally apprehensive because he knew he would only have one chance. With this in mind he shouted out taunts and insults that soon produced the most fierce reaction from the worm. It rushed forth snarling, its huge mouth gaping, emitting its pestilent breath.

Somerville spurred his horse and charged. With all his force he then thrust the burning lance down the throat to the stomach of the evil creature. The lance broke as his horse reared, but the wound was fatal enough to soon cause the dragon's death. 
It was in fact the aroma of the burning peat which had neutralised the toxic breath of the Linton Worm. This possibly saved Somerville and gave him his unique opportunity.

Whilst the Worm was in its death throes, it's said that the creature contracted its folds with such violence that the sides of Wormington Hill are still marked with the spiral impressions it made.

For his great courage, and for ridding Linton of its deadly dragon, Somerville was held to great acclaim. Vast territories in the region were donated to him, he was knighted by King William, appointed Royal Falconer and made First Baron of Linton.

'The wode Laird of Lariestoun
Slew the wode worm of Wormiestoune,
And wan all Lintoan paroschine.' 

Scottish myths 8
Scottish myths 6

Retelling © Mirino. Top image of Linton Church (treated frame from a video). Lower image Linton Church (treated image from Linton, Roxburghshire, Scotland). Sources- 
The Linton Dragon Slayer. Le Worme de Linton. With many thanks. September, 2011

The gift

I see with sightless eyes
From fate's dark, lonely cell
The motion of the skies,
The world that turns so well.

So I have come to know
Within this dismal hold,
Whilst rivers freely flow,
 Where nature keeps her gold.

Thus with the clouds I fly
Warmed by the golden sun,
With rivers I sweep by,
The world and I are one.  

Text and image © Mirino. September, 2011


Syria, derived from Assyria, is the land of one of the world's most ancient civilisations.

The Syrian, or Assyrian civilisation was one of the first to develop agriculture and the breeding of cattle (Neolithic culture c. 10,000 BC).
In northern Syria in 1975, archaeologists discovered evidence in the region of Ebla, that a great Semitic empire spanning from the Red Sea north to Turkey and East to Mesopotamia existed in c. 3000 BC. This empire grew through the development of commerce. During their excavations archaeologists found important Egyptian items proving that Elba was also in close contact with Egypt.

It's thought that the language of Ebla is one of the oldest written of the Semitic languages.
The Eblan civilisation was constantly effected by waves of war. It was conquered by Sargon of Akkad (2260 BC), successfully restored under the Amorites then conquered by the Hittites. It was occupied by Canaanites or Phoenicians, and Arameans.

Syria was a strategic point exploited by the empires of the Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians and Hittites. It eventually fell under the control of the Persian Empire before being transferred to the Greeks after the conquest of Alexander the Great. Then it was to come under the rule of the Romans and the Byzantines.

In 83 BC the King of Armenia conquered Syria and the Armenians ruled until it became a Roman Province in 64 BC.

Syria is often cited in Biblical history. Paul the Apostle, formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, was converted on the road to Damascus. He was, and perhaps still is, a prominent and emblematic figure relating to the first Christian Church of Antioch.

As with Persia, Syria became part of the Islamic Empire by AD 640. Damascus was chosen as the capital. Syria was then made up of four regions- Damascus, Homs, Palestine and Jordan. Being by then the centre of the Islamic Empire encompassing Spain, Morocco, the Middle East, India and some parts of Central Asia, Syria flourished in all respects. Splendid palaces and mosques were built, especially in Aleppo, Damascus and Homs.
It was an era of relative tolerance. Christians were often designated for governmental posts, but  totalitarianism, corruption and laxity were to cause its decline.
After being overthrown by the Abbasid dynasty in 750, the capital of the Empire became Baghdad and the official language was then Arabic.

It's interesting to note that some of the coastline of Syria was held by Frankish Crusaders for a brief period during the 12th century. It was known as the Crusader State of the Principality of Antioch. (Perhaps this brief colonisation planted early seeds for the much later French mandate of Northern Syria and thus Lebanon, and the subsequent Syrian rebellions, all resulting from the aftermath of the First World War. Prior to the Great War, Syria or 'Greater Syria' included the total region of the Levant).

Even in the 12th century there were Shi'a extremists. There were known as Assassins (Hassassin). They threatened the region generally.

The Mongols arrived in 1260. They destroyed the irrigation systems and cities. Aleppo was the first to fall in January of that year, the fall of Damascus followed in March.

As the Mongol commander Hulegu had to return to China, his army was entrusted to Kitbuqa, a Christian Mongol. Some months later they were defeated by the Mamluks who had arrived with an Egyptian army (Battle of Ain Jalut, at Galilee).

There were more wars between the Mongols and the Mamluks, finally won by the latter at the cost of almost all those who fought in the Second Battle of Homs (1281).

Weakened by the Mongols and centuries of wars and instability, Syria was easily taken over by the Ottoman Empire from the 16th until the 20th century, an era during which Syria remained relatively poor. By the end of the 18th century only 12% of the villages were still inhabited.
Resulting from the defeat of the Ottomans who had allied with Germany during WW1, the Ottoman Empire was fatefully divided into various zones. France was provided with the northern zone of Syria and what was then to become Lebanon. The UK had the southern zone which included Iraq, Palestine and Jordan. The borders established in 1918 still remain the same today.

France and Syria negotiated a treaty allowing Syria independence in 1936 but it wasn't then ratified by France. It was not until January 1944 that Syria was recognised as an independent republic. British and Syrian pressure persuaded the French to finally evacuate their forces in 1946.

Since then Syria has been considerably involved in the Arabo-Israelian wars and has suffered from several military coups.
In 1956 the republic signed an agreement with the Soviet Union allowing the influence of communism in exchange for military equipment including tanks and aircraft.
Instability helped to bring about the 1963 coup of the National Council of the Revolutionary Command orchestrated by the Arab Socialist Resurrection Party (Ba'ath Party) active since 1940. The Baath ruling in Syria followed that of Iraq.

Under Hafez al-Assad 1970 - 2000 the Baath party continued to have majority control. During this period and since, there has been an unconvincing display of a token vestige of democracy. It's 1973 constitution confirmed Syria as a secular socialist state.

In that same year the Yom Kippur War was initiated by Egypt and Syria in a surprise attack against Israel. Their first successes were eventually reversed resulting in Israel's occupying of Syria's Golan Heights.

In Lebanon in 1976 the Maronite Christians requested aid from Syria to help with the Lebanese civil war. Syria sent 40,000 troops, but instead of helping, Syria took advantage of the situation which led to 30 years of Syrian military presence.

Although they were never proven, crimes such as the assassinations of Rafik Hariri, Kamal Jumblat and Bachir Gemayel were alleged to have been perpetrated by the Syrian regime and its secret service.
Due to Lebanese and international pressure, most of the Syrian forces finally withdrew from Lebanon by April, 2005.

Today much of the world is concerned by the brutality of Bashar al-Assad, but his father set the paternal precedent in 1982 when he responded to a rebellion in Hama by sending in a military force. It is reported that the Syrian military indiscriminately assassinated between more than fifteen thousand civilians including women, children and elderly folk.

Although Bashar al-Assad has promised reforms, nothing of any real consequence has yet been forthcoming. Emergency law was dropped in April, 2011

Obviously this is only a rough synopsis of Syrian history, from various sources. Much has been glossed over, but it might serve as an adequate backdrop for the cruel drama that began in January this year, and still continues today.
In view of Syria's history, the dream of the 'Great Syria' that has to include Lebanon, is bound to continue. But Syria often seems too obsessed with its past, far less aware of the present, and virtually blind to the future.

Its endlessly turbulent and chaotic history may also be a contributing factor to what appears to be fatalism shown by the thousands of Syrian protesters. Although since the beginning of this year they have been manifesting for what is perfectly reasonable, they have also been constantly exposing themselves like sacrificial lambs to the ruthlessness of their tyrannical regime. Yet as it seems clear that what they are manifesting for is being denied them, surely it's time they organised themselves more effectively in order to gain what every modern civilisation today has, or should have, every right to.

Armed anti government groups do exist, but it appears that there's still not enough unity for them to be able to establish a joint engagement similar to that of the Libyan opposition. Until this unity is established, the Syrian opposition cannot be openly helped, at least not without those willing and able to help, then being accused of interference.
Once they are organised and properly represented, then they can officially request aid through their representatives as did the Libyans. Assuming there is little doubt that this request is indeed the majority wish of the Syrian population, then surely democratic nations not only have a moral obligation to help them, but it follows that they also have the responsibility to defend the Syrian people's right to democracy.

Text © Mirino. Historic source- Wikipedia. Satellite image Nasa (May, 2003). 
With many thanks. September, 2011

Couleur politique

Que 'la vérité n'est pas une couleur mais la lumière', s'applique parfaitement aux couleurs politiques, autant qu'aux autres divisions  culturelles et religieuses. (Il faut toutes les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel pour créer la lumière, ou la vérité..).

Même si pour essayer d'ajouter du poids à son identité (rouge fané), l'opposition française caricatura toujours la politique du gouvernement actuel comme celle de 'la droite' (bleu sobre); la politique de ce gouvernement semble avoir toujours été déterminée plutôt par nécessité que par des intérêts idéologiques.  
D'ailleurs au début de son mandat, Nicolas Sarkozy était un des rares Présidents français à inviter certains talents de l'opposition et du centre pour se joindre à son gouvernement pour le former plus efficacement.

On commence donc à douter sérieusement du bien fondé de l'alternance politique nationale aujourd'hui. Il semble appartenir au passé, quand chaque nation était plus insulaire et indépendante. Quand il y avait une réelle justification de basculer entre un parti renommé pour 'créer la richesse', et un parti renommé- au moins en principe- pour redistribuer la richesse selon son interprétation de la 'justice sociale'.

Pour caricaturer encore plus ces deux pôles, l'un est donc capitaliste, sinon tyrannique et belliqueux, roulant pour lui-même ainsi que pour les riches et puissants de la droite, ou 'l'établissement'; et l'autre- socialiste, sinon communiste et belliqueux, roulant pour lui-même (ainsi que les riches et puissants de la gauche, ou 'l'établissement'..). Ces derniers prônent le populisme en vendant 'la justice sociale' et en monopolisant sur l'idéologie visionnaire de 'la liberté, fraternité et l'égalité'.

Quant au premier cas, il appartient à l'époque industrielle et coloniale du 19e siècle et avant. Aujourd'hui c'est quasi impossible en démocratie, au moins sans la complicité de la loi (ce qui fait penser, ironiquement, à DSK, entres autres). Quant au dernier cas, c'est aussi impossible, bien que ce parti continue dogmatiquement à hisser et faire flotter le même vieux drapeau. D'ailleurs chaque fois que le parti socialiste a été élu en France, il n'y avait jamais eu comme conséquence la justice sociale, et encore moins celle déterminée par les célèbres et mythiques rêves impossibles, jamais réalisés depuis leur naissance de la Révolution Française- 'la Liberté, Fraternité et l'Egalité'. 

Ce qu'il y avait toujours, par contre, a été le populisme avec sa façade de fausse générosité et de complaisance hypocrite. La gauche a toujours monopolisé sur la morale, le cœur et la 'modernité'. Mais en réalité ni la morale, ni le cœur et encore moins la modernité caractérisent la gauche.

En fait aujourd'hui il n'y a pas grand chose qui la caractérise, car comme déjà suggéré, l'alternance politique n'a plus de vraie justification d'exister. Ceci pour la simple raison que les contraintes géopolitiques et économiques internationales ne permettent plus à une nation de basculer entre deux futiles idéologies dépassées. De nos jours il n'y a qu'une manière de gérer un pays- la meilleure manière possible selon les engagements entrepris, les circonstances et les contraintes internes et externes imposées. Et cette meilleure manière n'a plus grand chose à voir avec la politique classique dénommée de droite ou de gauche. Par conséquence ne pourrait-on pas conclure que le plus que l'on penche sur une telle tendance politique, le plus que l'on en depende pour masquer son propre manque de compétence et ses défaillances de personnalité? Ne peut-on dire qu'ainsi l'on se place au dessous de son logo grotesque et périmé, de son vieux drapeau usé et fané, qui a sans doute déjà été battu par les tempêtes de ses meilleurs jours?

Ce qui a toujours compté dans l'histoire, et peut-être compte plus que jamais aujourd'hui, c'est la personne que le peuple choisit pour le représenter. Ce sont ses qualités, ses capacités, sa force, sa détermination, ses principes, son intégrité et bien entendu son attachement sincère à son pays et à son peuple qu'importent.

A côté de la force de personnalité et ses qualités positives, sa tendance ou sa 'couleur politique' a relativement très peu d'importance.

Opinion and top image © Mirino. Vignette © Matias. Septembre, 2011

The Lion and the Ant

 Old Edward sat upon the mound
 And roared with all his might.
 Poor Joseph living underground
Woke up with quite a fright.

                 He pulled the bed-clothes o'er his head              
And wished the lion would go
But Edward kept roaring instead,
As if he didn't know.

The noise was formidable
 And caused the walls to shake,
 The antique horologe to wobble,
 And the earthen-ware to break.

                        Joseph was quite ruffled                      
 As ants can often be.
  He got up, stretched and shuffled
 Out to make a cup of tea.

Old Edward liked to roar
                    To antecede sunrise.                    
It made him feel more
  Lordly, and it kept away the flies.

Joseph was an antagonist,
                                Who knew what he must do.                               
(As the poem's protagonist,
 He was quite a brave one too).

 The Ant marched out to face the Lion
 And shouted, 'Go away!'
 The Lion yawned, then ambled offion   
Thus seeming to obey.

 Proud Joseph was no coward
To have overcome his fears,
But he didn't know that Edward
Was deaf in both his ears.

Old doggerel to start a new month. 
For the Rainbow alphabet doggerel, please go here

Poem and image © Mirino (PW) September, 2011