October 22


Every year in October one has the privilege of seeing this, in the valley below the house, in the Alpes Maritimes. And this for 21 years… Old friends.

It’s reassuring, and like ripe beef-heart tomatoes and fresh trumpet zucchini, a good harvest of wine grapes, (and this year’s wine in Italy and France -in certain regions- should be excellent) it all seems to make a mockery of the climate change fanatics.
They cultivate nothing but their own faithless, ideological obsession.

Our summer this year was certainly long and hot, but in the hills inland of Imperia, Italy, I have never seen so much fruit blest by the sun.
The magic of seasons, and autumn is the most fabulous. The colours are always spectacular here, but they are never quite the same.

The beautiful crescendo of colour is so ephemeral, which makes it all the more precious to see. It’s a lovely annual gift that gives one so much pleasure. A warm and gracious display beautifully symbolising life’s miraculous circle.

Text and images © Mirino, November, 2022



Everything is geometrical (and more) from snowflakes to spiders’ webs, fruit, flowers, leaves, all forms of life, their anatomy, balance and movement. The solar system, the ellipsis of the Earth turning on its axis around the sun determining the seasons, the power of the sun and the moon causing sea tides and encouraging growth. 

The admirable way that certain insects imitate twigs and flowers, and certain spiders change colour to match exactly that of the flower they wait motionless on for their prey.  

The intelligence of sea mammals, the secret, age-old intelligence of elephants. The love that such animals show. The beauty and diversity of tropical fish, butterflies and birds so absolutely incredible in form and colour. They defy all seemingly reasonable theories like those of Darwin, and they persuade us that there has to be something else still far beyond our reach. 

The universe itself and its intricate, geometrical (and more) miraculous workings. The further we are able to peer out into space, the more there is that we are still unable to perceive or imagine. 

And here we are in the midst of this paradise, pretentious enough to claim that humanity, who somehow arrived or evolved only 200,000 years ago, an instant in terms of the age of planet Earth (4.543 billion years) and even less in terms of universal time or chronology, is guilty of ‘climate change’.  If humanity is guilty of anything, it’s mainly a recurrence of regressivity, barbarity (travesty, perversion, wokism, cancel-culture, infanticide, etc.) all amounting to imbecility. Provoking rather than preventing war for the dated illusion of personal or national gain is a perfect example. It totally cancels out all other claimed preoccupations, pandemics, and professed ‘man-made climate change’.  Only humanity is capable of destroying what should be regarded as a paradise. If ever this height of human folly became a reality, only humanity would primarily suffer, simply because the powers that be, the divine, universal laws would naturally adapt. Life would go on, like masses of poppies gayly waving where bombs had once ripped up the bowels of the earth. Life would survive and continue to evolve, but the age of humanity would be over, and in such an atrocious, tragic case, perhaps it would be just as well. 

Therefore if ever such a futile, contemptible destiny awaited humanity, according to ‘universal law’ it would naturally be in the order of things.. However, in spite of humanity’s strengths and weaknesses, I believe that our destiny is unimaginably unlimited, provided we don’t derail ourselves beyond all hope, in the ‘meantime’.. 


Text and image © Mirino, May, 2022


This is not the first time I refer to faith (previously under the title of Fidem).
I’m not sure who once said it, perhaps it was Descartes, but he wouldn’t have been the only one to surmise that ‘once an ideology is established, the ideologue ceases to think’.
When one ceases to think, one rests mud-bound in one’s own dogma. For example the world is flat. Those who, against all logic, all obvious known facts, obediently continue to believe such a fallacy, do so because it would be stated in seventh century scriptures. They are also convinced that they have the monopoly of truth, because they believe they have the monopoly of God.
Naturally such pretensions are totally devoid of sense, because God, or Almighty Power, made the universe and all forms of life, and by extension all kinds of civilisations, faiths and religions. Religions are like branches trying to reach up to the heavens their own way. Branches of the one, beautiful tree of civilisation.

As Thomas More wrote in his ‘Utopia’, (first published in Latin in 1516) "(…) he (King Utopus) suspected that God perhaps likes various forms of worship and has therefore deliberately inspired different men with different views. On the other hand, he was quite sure that it was arrogant folly for anyone to enforce conformity with his own beliefs, by threats or violence (…).”
How is it that such common sense was so appreciated and so well expressed 506 years ago, yet even today it would be dismissed by Islamists as the ‘false reasoning of infidels’?

Indeed even today we seemed to be governed by doctrine, ideology and ideologues. The EU scribes are capable of writing reams of words (almost 27,000 regarding regulations on the sale of cabbages, whilst Pythagoras' Theorem is defined with only 24 words). This speaks volumes in itself.
The EU executive seems so utterly obsessed and motivated by its ideological goal, that it’s either oblivious to the constant negative consequences it’s causing, or it simply dismisses them as ‘collateral damage’ far less important than the unattainably absurd and highly dangerous objective of the ideology.

Then we have the critical race theorists, repentant apologists, and negationists who occupy themselves by  fanning the embers of dated racism. We also have ‘Wokism’. ‘Wokism’, dérives from ‘woke’ which doesn’t exist in English. One might mean awakened or awoke, indicating that one is no longer asleep, one now ‘sees the light’ or is miraculously enlightened. But from what is written on it one has enough difficulty in trying to find one’s way through the verbose smog.

Even the epidemic of Covid-19 has been, and still is being used for ideological purposes. Instead of being exemplary, of encouraging people to have faith, reassuring them that this difficult period will be relatively short, certain authorities have been exploiting the situation for disgusting purposes of fear-mongering, for socio-political power, if not for personal financial gain, dictating rules that have now reached a ridiculous level of incoherence that’s causing far more harm than good.

No good comes from trying to substitute faith with ideology. And one should never confuse faith with superstition. Faith is the confidence that the sun will rise tomorrow, even if there might be dark clouds shrouding it.
It’s the confidence that the seasons will remain relatively stable, despite the dire predictions of the ‘climate change ideologues’ who might well end up being disappointed if their cataclysmic predictions turn out to be as false as they themselves seem to be. Above all it’s the conviction that the universe and its fabulous, intricate mechanism, and naturally the miracle of life itself, didn’t come about by mere chance. (And no doubt this is not the first time that I have written this last sentence, or any other rubbish for that matter. Repetition, however, is a privilege that should be accorded to all those of a certain age).

When one starts questioning everything rather than appreciating the evolution of civilisation through the rational unfolding of history, (history that clearly demonstrates that there’s a reason for everything) one opens civilisation’s door to give a warm welcome to regression and barbarity.
By falsely correlating knowledge with privilege, one might be looking for a scapegoat for one’s own ignorance. The same goes for equality. The quest for equality only leads to mediocrity. It brings to mind the burning of good books, the destruction of masterpieces, the dismissal of individuality and the demeaning of individual accomplishment. It engenders what it claims to guard against, fascism or Soviet communism, when both ideologies have exactly the same expansionist objective that leads straight to Dystopia.
Unfortunately this is the direction the western world establishment seems now engrossed in trying to drag us. If this is true, then the establishment and all the ‘elite’ eager to win favour to try to assure their cushy future, have learnt nothing from history.

Remember in history how certain intellectual societies in various European countries, and even in the USA, admired the French Revolution, imagining that it would lead to some sort of French Utopia? The same was true regarding the birth of communism, which naturally had a great deal in common with the French Revolution. It initially inspired many western intellectuals.

The French Revolution engendered a monster that took ten years to consume itself leaving bloody ruins of illusions. It was a brutal and naive attempt to negate history and faith. It destroyed monarchy and aristocracy but created social division, and extreme poverty. It created the Republic, but left a tragic void in other aspects.
Eastern communism took a lot longer, but it finally acknowledged its own long drawn-out futility, economic failure, and gave its ultimate last gasp in Afghanistan.
Despite such blatant examples of truth, western ideologues seem to turn a blind eye to them in order to press on with what they imagine to be their own form of ‘truth’. But there is nothing new or trustworthy about Marxism, and ‘neo’-Marxism is simply regurgitated Marxism in disguise. Masked Marxism...


Text and images © Mirino. January, 2022