Gretasque theories

As years accumulate, one tends to repeat oneself. It is not so much, or not only, because of the toll of the years, it is also because one has never been persuaded, by climate soothsayers, and certainly not by poor Greta, to change one’s opinion. And this persuades me, especially at this particular period, to continue to express it.

Is it not time that serious scientists, qualified climatologists, and reputable astronomers form a committee to establish once and for all, and to make available to the public, the truth regarding the famous climate change, to put an end to this cinema, this end of world cult which in reality is only a massive fraud, a generator of many billions of euros?
And as no one seems too concerned to ensure that these billions are used precisely to 'save the planet', it is even more grotesque.

Greta Thunberg, of course, is the ideal icon to bear the saviour's flag. She is essential to drive the nail into the heart of all those who feel guilty of driving their little cars, and therefore obediently willing to pay even more taxes on fuel. The truth is available, so why is this hypocritical pantomime allowed to go on, thus allowing many billions to be accumulated by fleecing people like so many sheep?

If climatology is a science, it would only be in terms of climate history.  We can trace the history of the planet Earth, and it is precisely this climatic history, the age of the Earth, (4.543 billion years) and the relatively short period of the existence of humanity (200,000 years) that should already be enough to put things in a realistic perspective.

Predicting, very approximately, climatic phenomena depends on this history. It depends on the recorded universal cycles including the cycles of the sun. But nothing is exactly the same. There is a constant evolution that is out of our reach, and it’s just as well.
But the seasons that depend on the obliquity (the Earth’s tilt) are still relatively stable. So if, instead of making hateful threats to the 'ignoble capitalists' to save the planet, Greta planted some potatoes in March, then some tomatoes in May or June, some cabbages and fennels in September, (also following the phases of the moon) she would become more aware of this stability. A stability that has allowed the cultivation of vineyards and the production of wine since the Celts, before the Romans who continued this fine, civilised tradition.

We cannot accurately predict climate phenomena. Thus regarding the future, climatology is no longer a science. Despite the best technology, we often make mistakes predicting the weather a few days in advance. How then can we possibly claim to be able to predict that in so many years, weeks, days, hours, etc., if we do nothing 'to save the planet', it will be the end of the world?


N’est il pas temps (justement) que les savants sĂ©rieux, les climatologues compĂ©tents, et les astronomes rĂ©putĂ©s forment un comitĂ© afin d’Ă©tablir une fois pour toutes, et mettre Ă  la disposition du public, la vĂ©ritĂ© regardant le fameux changement climatique, pour arrĂŞter ce cinĂ©ma, ce culte de fin de monde qui en rĂ©alitĂ© n’est qu’une massive fraude, un gĂ©nĂ©rateur de plusieurs milliards d’euros?
Et comme personne ne semble trop soucieux de veiller Ă  ce que ces milliards soient utilisĂ©s justement pour ‘sauver la planète,' c’est encore plus grotesque.

Greta Thunberg, bien entendu, est l’icĂ´ne idĂ©ale pour porter le drapeau de sauveur. Elle est essentielle pour enfoncer le clou au cĹ“ur de tous ceux qui se sentent coupables de conduire leurs petites voitures, et donc docilement prĂŞts de payer encore plus de taxes sur le carburant.
La vĂ©ritĂ© est disponible, donc pour quelle raison on permet ce cinĂ©ma hypocrite de continuer, Ă  part pour laisser faire accumuler des milliards et de rendre coupable les gens que l’on traite comme tant de vaches?

Si la climatologie est une science, c’est uniquement au regard de l’histoire climatique. On peut tracer l’histoire de la planète Terre, et c’est justement cette histoire climatique, l’âge de la Terre, (4.543 milliards d’ans) et la pĂ©riode relativement courte de l’existence de l’humanitĂ© (200,000 ans) qui devrait suffire dĂ©jĂ  pour mettre les choses en perspective rĂ©elle.

PrĂ©dire tant bien que mal les phĂ©nomènes climatiques dĂ©pend donc sur cette histoire. Il dĂ©pend sur les cycles universels y compris les cycles du soleil enregistrĂ©s. Mais rien n’est exactement pareil. Il y a une Ă©volution constante qui est hors de notre portĂ©e, et c’est bien ainsi.

Mais les saisons qui dĂ©pendent sur l’obliquitĂ© (l’inclination de la Terre) sont toujours relativement stables. Ainsi si au lieu de faire des menaces haineuses envers ‘les sales capitalistes’ pour sauver la planète, Greta plantait quelques pommes de terres en Mars, puis quelque tomates en Mai ou Juin, quelques choux et fenouils en Septembre, (aussi en suivant les phases de la lune) elle se rendrait mieux compte de cette stabilitĂ©. Une stabilitĂ© qui a permis la culture des vignobles et la production de vin depuis l’âge des Celtes, avant mĂŞme les Romains qui continuèrent cette belle et fine tradition.

On ne peut pas donc prĂ©dire les phĂ©nomènes climatiques avec prĂ©cision. Dans l’Ă©gard du future donc la climatologie n’est plus une science. MalgrĂ© la meilleure technologie on se trompe assez souvent de bien prĂ©dire le temps quelques jours en avance. Comment diable peut on donc prĂ©tendre prĂ©dire qu’en une telle quantitĂ© d’annĂ©es, semaines, jours, heures, etc., si on ne fait rien ‘pour sauver la planète’, ça va ĂŞtre ‘quasi’ la fin du monde?

Text and top image © Mirino (with thanks for the use of lower image) September, 2019

1 comment:

  1. Interesting articles supplied by Sean Tayor, with thanks.
    “The Holocene Thermal Maximum occurred 8,000 years before present (BP). If you want to argue for Anthropogenic Global Warming and human’s CO2 emissions, then explain how the planet was 2.0°C warmer 8,000 years ago without the industrial period. [1,2,3,4] CO2 levels existed at 280 ppm/v. Today’s levels are at 415 ppm/v. [5,6,7]”
