6th May

That special date again. (Absolutely nothing to do with the anniversary of the French Presidential elections). It's also the day before we take a little break, not a Badalucco one. Hopefully a good luck one, but in any case even short stays in Italy are always enjoyable, come what may. Indeed during the month of May in the particular region where we'll be staying, it can't be bad. A few days to practice peculier one way conversations in Italian.

So this will be brief, devoid of opinions of the abysmal situation made worse by uninspired choices of heads of State, incompetent or over abused ministers and Eurocrats, etc. Those who pretend to represent us. But then it's just as well. Because of the continuously bleak state of affairs, one also tends to repeat oneself. It would be nice to believe that the status quo can't last, but it seems determined to drag on endlessly.
Getting away from it all is, of course, an illusion, but such a pleasant one, even when it's only for a few days.

The photograph above was taken nine or ten years ago. A homely little corner in Sanremo. It's still one of my favourites, mostly because it brings back sweet memories.
I shall try to come back with more of both.

Text and photograph © Mirino. May 6th, 2014

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