
Angela Dorothea Kasner was born in Hamburg in July, 1954.
She was the eldest of Horst and Herlind Kasner's three children. Their father was a Lutheran Pastor who, having received his Pastorate in Perleberg, moved the family there in East Germany, long before the reunification of 1990.
After qualifying in quantum chemistry in 1986, and working as a research scientist until 1989, Angela Merkel ('Merkel' from her first marriage) became increasingly taken by politics following the 1989 revolutions. Evidently she succeeded brilliantly in this field.
The religious and geopolitical background could explain reasonably enough her concern for the plight of 'refugees'. Nevertheless one is always free to query her motives.

Since the July, 2016 article of the Independent, levels of contention regarding immigration in Germany have gradually risen. In updated 11/9/2017, deportations of migrants, opposed by the 'greens', are, at least to some extent, reported to have begun.
The Bild, however, reported that the German authorities ‘lost track’ of 30,000 rejected, asylum seekers. In November, 2017 the newspaper stressed that it had received more than 20,000 responses demanding immediate deportation of all rejected, asylum seekers.

Quora puts the question to Germans. Those who think it’s a redeemingly noble cause, seem totally oblivious of certain realities.
No one refers to the plight of the neglected and persecuted Yazidis, Kurds, Christians and Copts. No one raises the question of why preference is given to Muslims, the majority of which are young, healthy males, many with smart phones, who look as though they are coming on an all expenses paid, European vacation. Too many of them can never qualify as refugees in any case.
The majority of the German population seem to be unaware of the fact that the Koranic decrees of Medina literally grant licence to ‘devout’ Muslims to intimidate 'infidels' and perpetrate evil, for the sake of the Islamic cause. The objective would be to gradually, generally impose Islam.

In December, 2016, Merkel admitted that ‘multiculturalism’ is a sham. Yet she wants to believe that communities can live happily, side by side. The large Turkish community in Germany (allegedly more than four million) might prove that this is indeed possible. But then why are the Turkish authorities, if not the majority of the nation's Muslim population, unwilling to accept the presence of other cultures in Turkey? Why do the Turks seem obsessed with waging war on them wherever they can find them?

What would appear to be a German illusion that being generous and kind to the crocodile will eventually change its nature for the better, is a fallacy that only naive fools would believe. To continue to allow naive fools to govern a nation, if not lead Europe, would be far too irresponsible and risky. But as Angela Merkel is an intelligent person, and certainly not a naive fool, surely there must be other reasons that will eventually, no doubt, come to light.


Text and image © Mirino. February, 2018

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