
I often think about the admirable citation borrowed by the Italian writer, Susanna Tamaro, from a certain Frère Roger's words, that "truth is not a colour, it is light". Naturally white light is the result of all the component colours of the rainbow. This principle of truth can be applied to everything.
It applies to day and night, life and death. It applies to historic facts obviously without exception, the history of civilisation, of our world and of the whole universe. It applies to the all the accomplishments and failures of mankind, and to all the natural creations of God, or whatever name one wishes to use to designate the Almighty Power.
But it doesn't only englobe positive aspects, it must englobe negative aspects as well, for the same principle applies. Nothing positive can exist without its negative counterpart. There can be no life without death.
One could advance that black is the result of all component opaque colours. They lack transparency. Black therefore doesn't reflect light. (This lack of capacity to reflect, also seems appropriate for the regressive, evil, imbeciles who wave black flags).
Paradise and inferno are only spiritual concepts of the ultimate, imagined destinations of every individual, even though man has the capacity and choice of contributing to create earthly hell or earthly paradise.

Some of these thoughts are no doubt repeated elsewhere in Viewfinder, including the very first effort in 2008, but perhaps today they are more pertinent than ever. They introduce a question regarding the consequences of the inane efforts of over-rich sectarians who like to believe they are gods themselves. Consequences that are having a very negative effect on our lives at this particular time.

The question again regards verity. If Islamic ideology pretends to represent the truth, it would never need to be imposed on anyone in anyway. We always, ultimately accept the truth without it being forced upon us. Even those who try to live a lie rarely do so without finally acknowledging the truth and coming to terms with it. One cannot hide, or indefinitely deform the truth. It would be like denying the reality of life and death. As soon as one tries to impose what one persuades oneself to be the incontestable truth, either by way of reasoning, or by physical force, whatever one is trying to impose, automatically and irrevocably becomes false.

A true religion is a very personal conviction. Each person, often unconsciously, has his or her own particular belief. This faith is an individual right. Ironically many people who believe they are atheists, are in fact fundamentally religious. Being religious doesn't mean one has to attend Church services each Sunday. It certainly doesn't mean one should make a massive bottoms-up public show of numbers of one's so-called faith with false humility. It doesn't demand that men should get together to flagellate themselves, or to cruelly slaughter animals. And threatening violence, killing, beheading, torturing, raping, etc., pretexting to defend one's feigned faith in atrocious ways is pure evil. It negates even the validity of an ideology, and can never possibly be associated with any religion.

Treating women as slaves, jealously concealing their beauty instead of proudly and respectfully acknowledging natural femininity; according them less than the minimum of consideration, even stoning them for the misfortune of having been rape victims of depraved beings that have no right to consider themselves human, is also pure evil. Destroying the innocence and magic of childhood, and by extention the future, by conditioning children to hate and to kill, is equally demonic.

To be truly religious there is only one basic requirement. This covers everything by extension. The requirement is simply to believe that the universe, its incredible mechanism, and life itself in all its forms, did not come about by pure chance or accident. Yet we, relatively insignificant beings in relation to this immense and magnificent cosmos, and the marvel of life itself, are naturally an integral part of it all. This humility, realisation and wonder should induce us to regard everything with joy and profound respect, because everything is part of The Creation. The men amongst us particularly acclaim, admire and adore women because although our modest participation is naturally essential, their life giving force is extraordinary, miraculous, and awe-inspiring.

The miracle of life in all its forms, 'all creatures great and small',  from which we still have so much to learn, yet we still take too much for granted. This life, this verity, all that we see around us, is our earthly paradise. Although we could more easily destroy than conserve this very precious loan, naturally we have the responsibility to bequeath it intact, if not more embellished than ever, to our children for them to eventually assume the same responsibility.

Spiritual paradise is a beautiful image conserved within us. Only a disorientated fool would believe that somewhere celestial, there is an Edenic garden of apple trees, vineyards and virgins, cascades of pristine water, birds of paradise, etc. How can anything be living if paradise is immortal, therefore sterile? Who plants the fruit trees and prunes the vines? What eggs hatched the birds of paradise, or what birds laid the eggs? How could ghosts of servile women still garbed in their burkas be enjoyed by degenerates, without the vital life creating force and instinct? How can one possibly be led to believe such rubbish without being totally regressive and brainless?

Those who have such meagre respect for life, have no respect for truth, which essentially is God. They who contribute to make mortal hell on earth, can never possibly be rewarded with even a mere fabulation of immortal paradise.
If a real destination exists between the two spiritual concepts, then it would only be hell. If you willingly contribute to create mortal hell on earth, it is bound to be your final vision, your ultimate destination and personal legacy.

Text and image © Mirino. September, 2016


  1. Very well said, Mirino.
    P.S. I think that Frère Roger is most likely Roger Schütz, popularly known as Brother Roger, the founder of the Taizé Community, an ecumenical monastic community in Burgundy, France:

  2. Thank you Rob. No doubt you're right. I have always appreciated his metaphor illustrating truth, perhaps because I'm also fascinated by colour theory, colour polarity and the phenomena of "white" light.
    When one applies colour identity to politiques, the truth of this is also apparent, even though mixing them all together would never make the white light of truth. It would result in a colourless (political) mess. At least the conservative blue is a primary colour, as is the violent red of communisme. Green is only a secondary colour as is orange, and the pink of socialism is not even a tertiary colour, which stands to reason.
