
When Vladimir Putin declares that democracy no longer exists in the West, he must be alluding to the power of money. If multi-billionaires feel it's in their interests to invest in a democrat candidate like Obama, for example, such a large investment is bound to carry weight. It wouldn't be limited to the candidate's presidential campaign either. It would certainly have to include as much media support as can also be purchased. And when one makes such a generous investment and it pays off, the investee is then morally bound to the investor, similarly to whoever sells his soul to the devil.
Is this not why Obama is now endorsing the chaos that George Soros has initiated by pushing Angela Merkel and thus Europe into accepting masses of so called refugees? Is this not also why he too is inanely treating Russia as an enemy, to protect the Ukrainian investments of Soros? The multi-billionaire also established a foundation in the Ukraine that contributed towards toppling the nation's elected executive, to then replace it with a US State department chosen junta. This episode was apparently overseen by Hillary Clinton.

The Clintons have a privileged relationship with George Soros, but it's possible that G. W. Bush would never have likewise benefitted from any sorosian generosity.
Soros believed that the 'fight against terror' was counter-productive, but he never anticipated 11/9/2001. Had he been able to foresee this and the initial opening of Pandora's box in Pakistan, perhaps there would have been other huge fortunes to be made.

Ideally, in tandem with such incredible financial power, should come a developed sense of forethought and responsibility, but if the desire for power is too dominant, then all other considerations are bound to be secondary.
A megalomaniac tends to believe that he is always right, although sometimes he might admit that he is wrong. Nevertheless, if such a person decided that the value of the pound £ sterling was too strong in relation to the euro €, he would tend to want to try to do something about it. This Soros did in 1992 by buying ten billion US$ of pounds £ and selling them short. He made a billion $ in the process. For this he earned the title of 'The man who broke the Bank of England', and the consequential currency crisis in the UK is known as 'Black Wednesday'.

Chairman of the 'Open Society Foundations' that he launched in 1993, and firm supporter of the American progressive, and liberal ideologies, Soros endorses his open society, and has considerably invested in this as we are now painfully experiencing. The Merkel plan is part of this. That the term 'refugees' has since been changed to 'migrants' is significant in itself.
The negative global consequences of this are so apparent that nations' leaders who still persist in trying to justify the influx of mostly male Muslims, appear to have been shamefully and ridiculously bought out.

The reaction of Hungarian authorities are refreshingly realistic in comparison. (George Soros, by the way, was born in Budapest, Hungry. His original name was György Schwartz).
Replying to a comment made by Clinton regarding the migrant issue, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said, 'The remarks made about Hungary and Poland have a political dimension. These are not accidental slips of the tongue. And these slips or remarks have been multiplying since we are living in the era of the migrant crisis. And we all know that behind the leaders of the Democratic Party, we have to see George Soros. Although the mouth belongs to Clinton, the voice belongs to Soros.'
In response Soros spelled it all out very clearly. Alluding to Orban's political stance, he said, 'His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle. Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.'
To illustrate the extent in which the migrant influx has been orchestrated, 'Migrant Handbooks' have been produced especially. Examples were found on the Greek island, Lesbos. They are written in Arabic for the benefit of migrants before they attempt to cross the Mediterranean. The handbooks had been supplied by a group known as 'Welcome to the EU'. Hardly surprisingly, 'Welcome to the EU' is financed by the Open Society Foundations.

Soros is also considered to be a philanthropist. But in view of his partisan, if not sectarian dealings, and his callous, financial speculations, (one of which also caused chaos in Asia) one doubts if his so called philanthropy is not governed/determined by cold, financial calculation, rather than by warm, spontaneous and sincere generosity.
In any case it's obviously a useful cover. One can help a struggling State, by generously investing in its industry. If this proves unsuccessful one could then create chaos. Either way a quick fortune can be made.
I recently learnt that Soros donated more than $33 million to the 'Black Lives Matter' organisation. If this isn't incitement to racism, violence, division and therefore more chaos, nothing is.

With regard to Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia, what else could be the ultimate objective of flooding these democracies with Moslem migrants? Social and economic chaos is the only possible answer. The NWO (New World Order or more exactly 'Disorder') scheme is so idiotic that one now suspects it to be only a poor pretext. George Soros is intelligent enough to know that apart for him, nothing of any positive value will result from such a moronic project. But an unscrupulous person perhaps vain or cynic enough to consider himself divine, even though he might have more in common with the devil, can make billions from chaos, providing he first purchases the servility of leaders cupid and stupid enough to allow it to happen, which certainly seems to be the case since the floodgates for migrants have been opened.

The above was written before the evil terror attack in Nice, France last night. But could one not say that there is a connection?
Sincere condolences to the victims and their families.

Ceci a été écrit avant l'attentat diabolique qui a eu lieu à Nice hier soir, mais ne pourrait-on pas dire qu'il y ait une connection?
Condoléances les plus sincères à toutes les victimes et leurs familles.


Text and image © Mirino. (with thanks to Tyler Durden for any additional information). July, 2016

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