Getting nowhere

 A retro-regard français, hoping that more reason will prevail during 2013.

Obviously David's clin d'œil envelop image this year is self-explanatory. After all, he too is 'exposed' to the French political elements, and with a government prone to gayly gallop backwards whilst what remains of the opposition weakly and torpidly tries to press forward, France seems to be getting nowhere.

It could hardly have passed unnoticed how often Viewfinder has had a go at F. Hollande ever since his inglorious election in May, 2012. But in spite of my origins, perhaps I've lived in France too long to accept to be represented in any way by those who first and foremost only represent themselves. I also believe that whenever possible and wherever one is, it's a democratic duty to do what one can, however modest, to try to bring to notice what seems to be a negative representation and tendency, rather than become an accomplice to it all by blind and resigned acceptance.

I am still persuaded that the main priority of F. Hollande was simply to become President of France. How he would subsequently interpret the role seemed to be more a question of ducking behind the convenient cover of socialist ideology, and shrewdly improvising as would any histrionic impostor. This, assuming he ever accorded his presidential duties and responsibilities with the primordial importance that they obviously have.

Would this not make him (also due to various circumstances and behaviour previously referred to) an opportunist fourbe, as well as a tartuffe?

But to try to be as fair as reality permits, it's not the easiest of times to assume the role of presidency. Hollande is also hobbled by his allies who were responsible in helping him squeeze through to 'win' by a mere pittance of 1.63%. We are referring to the 'ecologists' in the fake green corner, who with casual disdain shun nuclear energy, OGM research and shale gas exploitation, etc. They seem bent on regressing to a sort of 18th century 'Marxist' pre Revolutionary period, and are perhaps persuaded that there's still a bright, fertile and prosperous future for the three field system, Spanish windmills, candles and horse manure. Whilst in the red corner we have Mélenchon and his merry men. They are slightly less retrogressive, being fired up to regurgitate a remake of the horror, gore and thunder of the French Revolution itself. 

But Hollande is also hobbled by his own dated convictions, the ideology of socialism itself. And apparently he has no qualms about totally dividing the French as much as politically, socially, financially and humanly possible.

We know that the socialist party unenthusiastically settled for Hollande as their choice candidate. This after Strauss Kahn as first choice had shamefully derailed himself. And no one, least of all Hollande, tried to save him when it might still have been possible. We also know that once the choice was made, the pro-socialist media (even including those who had previously exposed Hollande's dodgy patrimony under-evaluation) did everything in their power to refurbish, fabricate and launch him. This, while they continued to denigrate N. Sarkozy, a systematic operation that virtually lasted the full period of the former President's five year mandate.

What remains a mystery however, is the reason why the media concerned felt that France should regress once more to archaic, perfidious socialism at such a critical period. It was apparent that whatever choice of candidate the socialist party came up with, was of no great importance in any case. Socialism was the be all end all objective, and the aghast, confounded and concerned realists, are still trying to figure out why.

Naturally there are always the perks, the advantages that would attract the arrivistes, the less scrupulous and 'undiscerning' of Hollande's partisans, but amazingly an important percentage of the intelligentsia were also persuaded that either he was the right choice, or that socialism should reign once more. Classic French socialism symbolised so appropriately by its ridiculously dated logo of the rigid rose, the stem of which appears to be brutally crushed in a churl's fist.

Static socialism, especially the French brand, seems totally incompatible with contemporary economic and social realities. Socialism can only 'work' for a limited duration at the best of financial periods, providing the nation that adopts it, is economically sovereign, sound, totally independant and isolated. This would mean that in order to try to continue to religiously (or rather, laically) apply the utopic ideals of French socialism, France would have to leave the euro zone, thus revert to the French franc, and control the entirety of its borders. As such it would either die from economic asphyxiation, or it would temporary become totalitarian only to eventually strangle itself more or less the same way.

Alternatively it might survive for a little longer thanks to the temporary success of a sort of up-dated Napoleonic persuasion campaign to spread French socialism throughout the euro zone itself.
Of course, trying to apply any one of these harebrained schemes would be totally absurd. This would be why the only alternative left is the actual one of faking it, compromising and avoiding any costly, foreign engagement as much as the over-inflated presidential image permits, which is leading France- and will continue to lead the nation- nowhere.

But the problem isn't only limited to France. Although Italy, Germany and Great Britain seem to be far more aware of the realities and challenge they have to face, they are also hobbled by their own systems, political conflicts, economical constraints and the negative domino effect caused by euro nations who have blindly given, or are still blindly giving priority to illusory socialism.  

In this regard there is some comfort in the thought that no euro zone nation can claim monetary sovereignty. And no European nation can apply politics that would consequently be detrimental to its neighbours.
What seems likely is that European competition will eventually determine the best that Europe can offer, produce and market. Assuming these products would ideally be conceived or improved upon and jointly created, they would eventually be manufactured by merged European industries established wherever they can best operate and flourish. This is already being realised in the automobile sector, and such mergers might continue to develop and flourish in the transport sector (TGV's, passenger and cargo airliners, etc.). Would the European objective of jointly producing the very best in all major sectors, not be the logical, evolutive outcome regarding Europe's joint economic interests and unity?

But compared with the advance of Eastern technology and production, especially in China, the above consideration seems naive and already fatally overdue. If Europe is to survive, it can no longer sit back and rely on its history, including pathetically dated, false ideology. It has to get up and realistically face the challenge of the future.

Surely French socialists must finally realise that equality, for example, is a utopian pipe-dream. It always has been because essentially it's unnatural in all respects. Or does the august ministre du Redressement Productif think he can persuade China, for instance, to hold back in order to allow France and Europe to 'catch up' for the sake of the noble cause?
In this regard one could also add that Fraternity and Liberty are also pipe-dreams, unless they are internationally attainable and applicable. But the French President would be far less concerned about trying to influence other nations to apply the noble motto of the French Revolution. Perhaps under his 'flamby façade,' gauche tie-knots, rebel shirt-cuffs and tinted remaining hair, there might be a grain of realism. For even he knows that the three French Republican ideals have never been successfully applied anywhere, including France.

This might seem a grim, dreary and ruthless way of introducing 2013, but as always, I'm bound to express myself according to my actual thoughts, feelings and fears.
We should also acknowledge that Hollande is even beginning to half-heartedly admit (in his New Year wishes) that certain actions may have met with a few 'soubresauts'...

As there is always a reason for everything, history will eventually show how much this will also apply to the year 2013.
For many reasons it's likely to be a very determining year indeed, world wide. If this be so, time might eventually reveal that it was inevitable. And to be more optimistic, that maybe it was also just as well.

Let's hope it will be positive, not only in determined, historic and philosophic reasoning, but in as many ways as possible, for us all.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2013!

Text © Mirino. Image © David Mckee, with many thanks. 
January 1st, 2013

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